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Bilder av ras i svensk visuell kultur

Åsa Bharathi Larsson (ed.)

Konferenser, 107

This volume is the result of a one-day symposium held at The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities in Stockholm in the early fall of 2018. The articles present some of the complex discussions on race, colonialism and culture production that take place in various academic disciplines today. Key themes such as racial stereotypes, identity, body, whiteness, colonial heritage, decolonial practice and memory are discussed. The articles all deal with various visual representations of race and its circulation and meaning making in the Swedish media landscape. However, these discussions are also contextualised within a global framework thus not only belonging to a Swedish visual culture production.

Cover for Bilder av ras i svensk visuell kultur

ISBN: 9789188763297

ISSN: 0348-1433

Published: mars 2022

Language: sv